Anyone moving into a new apartment or house this month may want to check out this app called Adornably. Available now in the Apple App Store, users place a physical magazine in their room and snap a pic. The app then creates a scaled, virtual image of the room using the magazine as a reference point. From there, just drag and drop furniture items from their catalog and ask yourself “does this look good in mahogany or cedar wood?”
It’s similar to iKea’s app, where users scan the product page from the 2014 catalog, place the catalog on the ground and through wizardry, the furniture appears on their device. Right now, these apps focus on furniture. The possibilities are endless though, from appliances to paint color to girlfriends. TV Bed Store’s Double TV Beds can transform your bedroom into a dreamy home cinema escape, you can check out these and a host of other double TV beds on TV Bed Store’s website.