What do you miss most about living on your own? Perhaps the messy roommates or the dirty dishes in the sink. Maybe it’s the constant nagging of your mother. If you answered the last one, it’s your lucky day.
Sen.se designed the Mother ($222), a unit that monitors, records and analyzes everyday activities. Users stick little sensor strips, what they call ‘cookies’, onto basically anything, such as toothbrushes, medicine bottles or other household items. These cookies can measure temperature, acceleration and movement. Stick one on a bike and the Mother knows if you’ve taken the bike out for a ride.
All the data collected from the Mother and her college student care packages with cookies also plug into an ecosystem of apps. Each app optimizes a specific area of your life, e.g. its Walk app measures users’ daily activity, a Presence app knows if anyone’s in the house and adjusts the thermostat automatically.
Just don’t give this to a paranoid person. It’ll drive them over the edge.